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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Voice Training

Surely anyone can sing without vocal training?
Many people are gifted with natural singing ability, but whether you want to become a professional entertainer, a casual performer, or sing for fun, it is important to learn how protect your best asset and to increase it's potential.

Can YOU Sing?

Before you pay for tuition, take time to do the following steps

You will need:-

A Tape Recorder and Microphone.

Writing Materials.

Something to sing with - Use one of your favourite singles/backing track/midi file.

Record yourself singing along to a song.

Listen back to your recording.

Take notes on the following points:

Are you in Tune with the music? - your notes should match the song.

Is your voice weak or strong? - shouting is NOT Singing!!

Are you breathing correctly? - you should not be short of breath

Do you struggle to reach the notes - pick an easy song to start with!

Are you gasping for air between phrases - learn to breath in the "rests" between phrases

Record youself again with another song

Listen to the difference in your practice recordings as you progress. 


Anonymous said...

translate dong yg pake bahasa inggrisnya...

Rico Pratama said...

Gan boleh gua les vokal sma lo gan ??

Robby said...

Wah,, maaf saya belum layak untuk menjadi guru vocal. Disini saya hanya sekedar sharing aja apa yang saya paham.

Learn Digital Marketing said...

Hi, Really great effort. Everyone must read this article. Thanks for sharing.

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